资源与能源材料(Resources and Energy Materials)
课程号: 308610020

2023-2024 秋季学期
2-9周 星期一 3-4节江安校区一教A406 星期三8-9节江安校区一教A410


内容简介:自然资源是人类一切发展活动的基石,其中能源是这些发展活动所必需的动力来源。自然资源在能源领域中的价值是通过各种各样的材料体现出来的,对这些材料的研究是沟通物理、化学等基础学科与应用场景之间的桥梁,具有极其重要的意义。课程将涵盖:1. 能够直接提供能源或制造能源相关材料的自然资源的分类、分布以及利用形式;2. 以相关领域的国内外前沿研究成果为切入点,使学生了解能源材料的化学组成、微观结构、合成过程和应用情境。聚焦无机材料、有机材料、杂合材料三大类材料的基本理化性质和在能源领域的应用。3. 根据化学工程的学科特点,结合学生先修的专业课程,着重介绍各种能源材料的制备、生产工艺中的化工过程以及能源材料在化学工业领域的应用。Natural resources are the foundation of all human activities. Amongst them, energy resources, in particular, are necessary to power the said activities. The utilization of natural resources in the field of energy is realized through various types of materials. Study of these energy materials combines different disciplines such as physics, chemistry and connects fundamental research with industrial application scenarios, therefore poses great importance. The course will cover the following: 1. Classification, distribution and ways of utilization of natural resources that can directly provide energy or be used to produce energy-related materials will be introduced. 2. Based on up-to-date research projects in relevant fields, the chemical composition, microscopic structures, synthetic procedures and application scenarios of energy materials will be introduced. Focusing on three major classes of energy materials (inorganic, organic, and hybrid materials), their respective properties and corresponding applications in the field of energy will be discussed. 3. Considering the students’ chemical engineering background and prerequisite courses, the chemical engineering aspects of the materials’ production, processing, and application will be emphasized.
